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The challenge.

Display monitors can cater to a wide range of users, from business-end users typing on Excel sheets to your everyday consumer who runs high-resolution video games every night. To streamline feature development and create an intuitive user experience—how do we identify core functionalities, segment-specific features, and pain points?

What we heard.

The features are encompassed both on the monitor itself (i.e., buttons) and also embedded within the software (app). Each enhancing the user experience in similar, but different ways. The question arises—how do we create an exceptional digital experience with all of these functionalities?

What we did.

Through moderated user research sessions, a diverse set of participants navigated and evaluated the architecture of information, interacted with a protocol to test various tasks, and shared their preferences on a number of setting features.

What we delivered.

Rebel uncovered user needs and pain points which informed recommendations to optimize the user experience for both business and consumer markets. Dell’s product teams were given the tools necessary to create intuitive interfaces, clear iconography, and user-friendly terminology—which were relevant to the audience.

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