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The challenge.

When the market shifted dramatically due to a global pandemic, there were a few important things Camp Gladiator needed to know.

01—Which classes need to move online (and fast)

02—What is the best price point for virtual classes that used to be in person?

What we heard.

In 2020, Camp Gladiator was faced with moving its in-person services to an online format. But, Camp Gladiator was a brand that delivered in-person experiences. With that value removed, the fitness brand needed to identify a new way to communicate the inherent value of movement—and how to price it.

What we did.

Up close and personal with current, lapsed, and prospective Camp Gladiator clients, we took a look at perceptions, usage, and of course, pricing. How high is too high and which price point is too high, too little, or just right for the value?

What we delivered.

We were able to use customer insights to provide confidence in making a critical pivot–from understanding market appetite for online services to crafting critical value propositions that kept Campers moving.

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